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You are making a donation to the Fund to benefit this project - we keep your information private and confidential and cannot share it with anyone, including Salmon Arm Curling Club, without your consent.

Tax receipt statement:

* I represent and warrant that I am voluntarily and unconditionally giving this gift to the BC Amateur Sport Fund (BCASF), the BC chapter of the Canadian Council of Provincial & Territorial Sport Federations Inc. (CCPTSF) to benefit the development of amateur sport in Canada on a nation-wide basis. I understand that the BCASF can direct my donation to an amateur sport cause of its choice, however my preference is that my gift be used to support the project selected above. Consistent with Canada Revenue Agency’s interpretations of “qualifying donations”, I confirm that no material benefit will accrue to me or related parties as a result of this donation and that this gift does not or will not reduce any obligation, directly or indirectly, that I or related parties have for “non qualifying” expenses such as membership dues, training, or program registration fees, travel costs or other like expenses that I or related parties would normally be required to pay. I also understand that civil penalties can be imposed against me for the misrepresentations of tax matters. Based on these facts, I understand that an official receipt for tax purposes will be issued in respect of this gift.

Payment Information

Your privacy is important to us.  We will keep your personal data secure and it will not be used to send you communications which you have not agreed to receive or for any other purpose.  You may withdraw your consent to be contacted any time by emailing us at bcasf@sportbc.com.